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little league 少年棒球協會。

little leaguer

I ' ll even sit in the first row of every little league game and cheer until my throat is sore and my tonsils are raw , wow gold but i ' ll never teach my son how to hit a home run or slide into first base 我甚至可以出席每一場少年棒球聯合會的比賽,坐在第一排吶喊助威,直到我的嗓子喊疼了,我的扁桃體發炎了,但是我永遠無法教我的兒子如何打一個本壘打或者如何巧妙進入一壘的位置。

I ' ll even sit in the first row of every little league game and cheer until my throat is sore and my tonsils are raw , but i ' ll never teach my son how to hit a home run or slide into first base 我甚至可以出席每一場少年棒球聯合會的比賽,坐在第一排吶喊助威,直到我的嗓子喊疼了,我的扁桃體發炎了,但是我永遠無法教我的兒子如何打一個本壘打或者如何巧妙進入一壘的位置。

I ' ll even sit in the first row of every little league game and cheer until my throat is sore and my tonsils are raw , but i ' ll never teach my son how to hit a home run or slide into first base 如果為人父母有職務簡述的話,我的“職務簡述”將會包括如下內容:管理賬單和孩子們的玩耍同伴、洗衣、做飯、洗衣、安排與人合伙用車、洗衣、準備小吃、安排短途旅游、購物、洗衣。

They played little league together and took drama classes together . ben s teen years consisted of mainly tv movies and small television appearances including hands of a stranger 1987 and “ second voyage of the mimi , the “ 1988 1997年與童年摯友馬特-戴蒙matt damon一同編寫的心靈捕手“ good will hunting “ ,榮獲了當年奧斯卡及金球獎的兩項最佳原著劇本殊榮。

Wang is just part of the craze that has swept taiwan this season , turning an island better known in baseball circles for its little league teams into a hotbed of yankees worshipers 王建民造成本季棒球熱橫掃全臺,以少棒聞名于棒球界的島嶼變成孕育洋基朝圣者的溫床。

Mike loved kids - all kids - and he knew them , having coached little league football , baseball and lacrosse . that “ s when the idea for his present came 邁克愛孩子? ?所有的孩子。他曾帶過小型的聯賽橄欖球隊,棒球隊和長曲棍球隊,所以他了解他們。而我的靈感也由此而發。

Little league teams are baseball and softball teams for boys and girls from aged between 8 and 12 . thousands play in these teams 少年棒球隊聯盟是專為8至12歲的男孩和女孩組織的棒球隊和壘球隊。少年棒球隊聯盟有成千上萬的成員。

I usually watch television and read the newspaper reports about the baseball results of the newspaper reports about the baseball results of the little leagues 我常常看電視,看報紙,從報道中獲得小聯盟橄欖球賽的比賽結果。

Dear pastor , please say a prayer for our little league team . we need god ' s help or a new pitcher . thank you 親愛的牧師,你能不能給我們的棒球隊做個禱告。我們缺一位投球手,我們需要上帝幫忙。謝謝。

I usually watch television and read the newspaper reports about the football results of the little leagues 我經常看電視、讀報紙來關注足球聯賽的結果。

Heard about a guy who was stopped at the little league team to see what the score was 有個人停下來看看小聯盟棒球隊得幾分,他們都打得很努力。

This is nothing . you ought to catch me during little league season . three boys 沒事,到少年棒球賽季時我要洗的衣服更多,有三個男孩子

They ' re a little league team 他們只是小聯盟球隊

Little league , championship game 少棒聯盟,冠軍賽

They ' re a little league team . you all know it . they need me 他們只是個小聯盟隊伍,你們都知道的,他們需要我

As a boy , mister bush played on little league baseball teams 作為一個孩子,布什先生參加了棒球隊小小聯盟。

Holler at your little league coach 對你的教練發脾氣

Holler at your little league coach . . 對你的教練發脾氣. .

This ? - and a little league coach 這個呢? -一個小團體的教練